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The RGB color space is an additive color space that uses the three primary colors red, green, and blue to create all other colors. It's created by projecting light onto a surface, and each color is created by adding a different wavelength of light to the mix. Red light has a wavelength of around 650 nm, green light has a wavelength of around 532.5 nm, and blue light has a wavelength of around 467.5 nm.

RGB is used in digital displays and imaging, because it's easy to create new colors by adjusting the levels of each primary color. For example, by increasing the level of red, you can make the color more orange. By increasing the level of green, you can make the color more yellow. And by increasing the level of blue, you can make the color more purple.

RGB is also used in printing, because it's a CMYK color space. CMYK is a subtractive color space, which means that black is used to create all other colors. Cyan has a wavelength of around 510 nm, magenta has a wavelength of around 610 nm, yellow has a wavelength of around 580 nm, and black has a wavelength of around 700 nm.

Most of the world's printed material is created in CMYK, because it produces more realistic colors than RGB. However, digital displays and imaging usually use RGB, because it's brighter and more vibrant.

Y + G + D + B


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